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DND404 | Dungeons and Dragons Podcast

Ep. 74 - The Winward Serpent

Ep. 74 - The Winward Serpent

The Bloodshard Bandits are Robbed, betrayed and down a member! Hoodwinked by Krideth Armos and Minnis hatch a new plan to try and free Drell from the tiny jar within the Wyldsyde Tavern.  Kick Livestream! -  Merch!   -

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Ep. 73 - Battle at the Burnsely Farmstead (ft. Jason Portizo)

Ep. 73 - Battle at the Burnsely Farmstead (ft. Jason Portizo)

A bone demon rises from the rubble to face Klep, Nifton, and Zertys as our "heroes" fight for their life.   Merch!   - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663 N. 132nd St. Box 122 Omaha,...

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Ep. 72 - Ominous Flashback (ft. Jason Portizo)

Ep. 72 - Ominous Flashback (ft. Jason Portizo)

One theoretical year ago, a few days before Reginald & Armos meet Drell and Minnis, a Red Guard troupe make their way to the Bernsely Farmstead...   Merch!   - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663...

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Ep. 71 - Bless The Raines Down In Aramore! (ft. Britty Lea)

Ep. 71 - Bless The Raines Down In Aramore! (ft. Britty Lea)

Armos, Minnis and Krideth are in the belly of Aramore city face to face with a massive corrupted frog like beast!  The true reason of Napoles Charles Paterson Raines demise! This Episode is sponsored by Patreon supporter Raines! Merch!   -...

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Ep. 70 - The Belly of Aramore (ft. Britty Lea)

Ep. 70 - The Belly of Aramore (ft. Britty Lea)

A BAT APPEARS behind Minnis and Armos as they decide how to handle Drell, now captured in a jar. With our FIRST EVER GUEST STAR, BRITTY LEA joins the crew for some stinky sewer adventures as Krideth Godart, a were-bat...

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Ep. 69 - Iron Scrap, A Ballad of Mice & Beasts

Ep. 69 - Iron Scrap, A Ballad of Mice & Beasts

The Iron scrap has begun.... but Drell is a mouse and Adelram is finally within reach! What will the Bloodshard Bandits do!? Merch!   - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663 n. 132nd st box 122...

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Ep. 68 - Wyld Syde Tavern

Ep. 68 - Wyld Syde Tavern

The Bloodshard Bandits Aramore tough than ever! ... Anyway, the gang finally arrive at the City of Aramore, BUT, an old enemy appears... Merch!   - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663 n. 132nd st box...

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Ep. 67 - Wolf Pax: Furry Road

Ep. 67 - Wolf Pax: Furry Road

The Bloodshard Bandits find themselves in thunderous combat as they are being pursued by dire wolf riders in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm! Merch!   - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663 n....

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Ep. 66 - One Year Later

Ep. 66 - One Year Later

Time to hit the road! The Bloodshard Bandits head out on their next adventure while taking a walk down memory lane! Merch!   - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663 n. 132nd st box 122 Omaha,...

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Ep. 65 - Lord Baron’s Divider

Ep. 65 - Lord Baron’s Divider

Nothic to see here! The Bloodshard Bandits make their way to Lord Baron's Divider where they are told of an ominous future... Merch! - Patreon! - Discord! - Twitter! - P.O. Box! - 663 n. 132nd st...

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Ep. 64 - B-Day

Ep. 64 - B-Day

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Towers and cake and monsters, OH MY! Merch! - Patreon! - Discord! - Twitter! - P.O. Box! - 663 N. 132nd St Omaha, NE 68154  Box 122   CAST: DM Tony - Tony "DedDinosaur"

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Ep. 63 - Back To Humbreah

Ep. 63 - Back To Humbreah

Arc 5 begins! The Bloodshard Bandits escape shadowfell and finally make it back home...but home seems different. A full year has passed! After a much needed long rest the heroes are finally ready to make the trek to Lord Barons...

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