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DND404 | Dungeons and Dragons Podcast

Ep. 3 - The Lion, the Bug and the Bears

After the Runnin' Goblin was attacked in the middle of night, the heroes now face them down in the town square... Leonin Mayor Fredrick gets involves and speaks out however; talk is cheap and heroes emerge to handle the problem!...

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Ep. 2 - Enter the Gillows

A Tiefling, Goliath and a Mini-taur walk into a tavern...BUG BEARS!? MISSING CHILDREN??? DEEP TERRIBLE BLOOD MAGIC CONNECTING PAST CATACLYSMIC EVENTS TO THE PRESENT!?!?! and of course Beer! Merch! - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! -...

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Ep. 1 - Dawn of Humbreah

Welcome to Episode ONE! We meet our heroes and witness their humble beginnings as they start their adventure through the world of Humbreah! Minnis, Drell, and Armos set out on a world filled with lurking beasts to evil demons! Danger...

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