The Bloodshard Bandits take a long rest as they were having technical difficulties on the Arc 7 Finale.
Segment 1 - What would your Ashe Born character build look like?
Segment 2 - Is the new counterspell better?
Segment 3 - What is your favorite dice set that you own?
Merch! - Patreon! - Discord! - P.O. Box! - 663 N. 132nd St. Box 122 Omaha, NE 68154
CAST: DM Tony - Tony Armos Vanan - Jared Minnis PebbleWalker - Dan
POST PRODUCTION: Episode Editor - Dan
Ep. 117 - Where Frost Goes To Rot | DND404
Ep. 118 - Drell's Dogma | DND404